About this Event
We will hold an information session for our Africa Summer Study Abroad Program, Tanzania: Ecology, Evolution, and Peoples of East Africa.
Tuesday October 3rd, 4:00 - 5:00, Old Main 332.
Who: Program is open to ANY major!!
What: STEM focused study abroad program offering six credit hours (honors or not) upper division in ANTH and BIOL.
When: May 13 - June 6, 2024 (one week in Fayetteville then we hit the road).
Where: The Great African Rift Valley
Why: Because this program goes beyond the UA classroom, leading to new understandings of your place in Nature and how it sculpts life in the Great African Rift Valley. Because this program visits places most never visit and leads to experiences most will never have on their own. Because only UA faculty-led programs build friendships among UA students and allow students to learn from UA faculty.
Please come to the session and learn more!!! And bring your friends!!!
Peter Ungar (pungar@uark.edu)
Jeremy Beaulieu (jmbeauli@uark.edu)
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