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Nomination forms are now open for the second annual Diversity and Inclusion Awards. These awards are meant to highlight the efforts of people and RSOs who have spent the last year creating a more diverse and inclusive campus. There are three categories for the awards MVP, Community Champion, and Dream Team. Who should you nominate? 


For MVP we are looking for a person who worked tirelessly for the common interest of people that share their identities and lived experiences on campus.


For Community Champion nominated a person who strived and succeeded in creating an inclusive and diverse community on campus.


For Dream Team  we want a RSO that has continuously lifted minority or underrepresented student voices through programing, policy initiatives, or community engagement.


If you know a person or RSO that you believe deserves recognition nominate them at


Event Details

See Who Is Interested

  • Lawanna Conyer Harris

1 person is interested in this event