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Two parts available - must complete part 1 to enroll in part 2


Bundle parts 1 and 2 and earn Diversity and Inclusive Leadership Certification


This two-part Diversity and Inclusive Leadership Certification challenges participants to examine and address issues of diversity, equity, and inclusive leadership in organizations. Participants are empowered with the leadership skills needed to support sustainable action that can lead to organizational transformation. Participants will utilize activities from the ABCs of Cultural Competence and Humility Toolkit to explore their cultural lens, take stock of their social and cultural identities, engage in conversations that encourage trust and the building of authentic connections, unpack topics of privilege and microaggressions, and create an action plan for organizational change.


PART 2: The Three Cs of Inclusive Leadership - Nov 15-18, 2022 10:00-11:30 a.m.

    Create a framework for self-awareness, civility, and cultural consciousness
    Develop an understanding of how personal culture influences interactions
    Understand privilege, power, and perception in rehabilitation
    Develop a plan for executing diversity, equity, and inclusion change strategies


Also Included in Part 2


Community of Practice Component - Nov 30 and Dec 7, 2022, noon-1:30 p.m.

    Engage in open, honest discourse in a safe environment
    Share tools and resources for best practices
    Provide a network of support for participants

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