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1998 W. Grand Blvd., Fayetteville, AR 72704
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Mindfulness has been defined in a variety of ways. It is the practice of being fully present and alive; when we are mindful, we know what is going on in the present moment. We practice intentionally and nonjudgmentally. Research shows that this type of meditation, when practiced
regularly, can benefit our physical, mental, spiritual, and relational health, not only for ourselves, but for others as well. 

Though space may be limited, this course is open to anyone curious about meditation and the different ways to cultivate mindfulness. These sessions will include instruction, interactive learning, guided meditations and how to apply to daily life. To be comfortable meditating,
participants can practice seated in a chair, lying down or standing, with some time for gentle movement.

Join certified yoga and meditation teacher, Nicole Olmstead, for a 6-week course to learn the
basics. All are welcome!
Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a towel or yoga mat.
Instructor: Nicole Olmstead
Day/Date: Mondays, 9/12/22 - 10/17/22 (6)  /  Time: 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
FORMAT: In-Person   /   Location: GV

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