About this Event
Applications for students interested in the Associated Student Government Razorback Action Group are now available on the Office of Student Activities’ HogSync portal. Students should log in with a valid uark.edu email address. Applications are due by noon on Tuesday, Sept. 19. Late applications will not be accepted, even if HogSync allows the submission.
The Razorback Action Group (RAG) is a nonpartisan advocacy group that represents the interests of the University of Arkansas student body. Members of the Razorback Action Group serve as representatives of the Associated Student Government at the University of Arkansas in local, state, and federal special interests. RAG works on behalf of students to ensure that government officials at all levels are aware of the most important issues to our student body. Our team explores ways to unite and excite the University of Arkansas student body when it comes to governmental relations and higher education issues.
Any questions about RAG should be sent to ASG President Cael Losenegger at asgpres@uark.edu.
Razorback Action Group is sponsored by Associated Student Government through the Office of Student Activities and is supported by the Student Activities Fee. If you require a reasonable accommodation in order to participate, please contact the Office of Student Activities by five (5) business days prior to the deadline at osa@uark.edu. ASG is a program in the Division of Student Affairs.
The Associated Student Government at the University of Arkansas is a student-led organization that acts as an organized voice for all students and strives to effectively represent student interest. Questions about ASG can be directed to 479-575-5255 or asg@uark.edu. Associated Student Government is a program in the Division of Student Affairs.
About the Division of Student Affairs: The Division of Student Affairs supports students in pursuing knowledge, earning a degree, finding meaningful careers, exploring diversity, and connecting with the global community. We provide students housing, dining, health care resources, and create innovative programs that educate and inspire. We enhance the University of Arkansas experience and help students succeed, one student at a time.